Lesson 3: Teacher Notes - Sports Injury Management
Sports Injury Management
Assessing Injuries with TOTAPS!
Injury management involves identifying an injury, treating it and then returning
to the sport. It’s extremely important that sports players are adequately
rehabilitated before returning to sport. If they are not, the injury can become
much worse.
For serious injuries, like spinal injuries, get help first.
To assess all other injuries, remember TOTAPS!
Listening & note taking exercise
Discuss with the class the different elements to TOTAPS. Students are to
complete the boxes for each element based on teacher/class discussion.
These are listed below.
Ask the player what happened.
Where does it hurt?
What kind of pain is it?
Look at the affected area for redness or
Is the injured side different from the
other side?
Touch Touch will indicate warmth for
inflammation – touch also assesses
Active movement Ask the injured player to move the
injured part without any help.
Passive movement If the player can move the injured part,
carefully try to move it yourself through
its full range of motion.
Skill test Did the active and passive movement
produce pain? If no, can the player
stand and demonstrate some of the
skills from the game carefully? If an
injury is identified, remove the player
from the activity immediately.
Lesson 3: Teacher Notes - Sports Injury Management
Injury Treatment
Treating injuries with Ricer
RICER is used to manage soft tissue injury to reduce scarring and pain for
faster recovery. Using RICER immediately can help to stop bleeding and
What is RICER? Essential elements for a quick recovery from injury.
Research Activity
Students to research the explanation for RICER. Refer to the ‘Injury
Management and Prevention’ section of the www.elastoplastsport.com
website or the school library. Students to complete blank boxes with the
correct answers. Discuss answers as a class.
REST Rest reduces further damage.
Avoid as much movement as possible to limit
further injury.
Don't put any weight on the injured part of the
ICE Apply a hot/cold pack to the injury for 20 minutes
every 2 hours.
Continue this treatment for the first 48-72 hours
(ice cools the tissue and reduces pain, swelling
and bleeding).
Place cold pack wrapped in a towel onto the
injured area. Do not apply frozen cold pack directly
to the skin.
Extra care must be taken with people sensitive to
cold (children) or with circulatory problems.
COMPRESSION Apply Elastoplast Sport Elastic Adhesive bandage
or a non-elastic compression bandage, covering
the injured area as well as the areas above and
Compression reduces bleeding and swelling.
Check bandage is not too tight.
Elevate the injured area to stop bleeding and
Place the injured area on a pillow for support.
Refer the injured person to a qualified professional
such as a doctor for definitive diagnosis and
continuing management.
Lesson 3: Teacher Notes - Sports Injury Management
Treating injuries with HARM
Avoid the HARM-ful factors for 72 hours after the injury
Listening & Note Taking Exercise
Discuss with the class the different elements to HARM. Students are to
complete the boxes for each element based on teacher/class discussion.
These are listed below.
Heat increases the bleeding at the injured site.
Avoid hot baths and showers, saunas, hot water
bottles, heat packs and liniments.
Alcohol increases bleeding and swelling at the
injury site, and delays healing. It can also mask the
pain of the injury and its possible severity, which
may result in the player not seeking treatment as
early as they should.
Running or any form of exercise will cause further
damage. A player should not resume exercise
within 72 hours of an injury unless a medical
professional says it is alright to exercise.
Massage causes an increase in bleeding and
swelling, and should be avoided within 72 hours of
the injury. If the injury is massaged within the first
72 hours, it may take longer to heal.
Role-play Activity
Form students into groups of three. Each group is to role-play a different
sports injury scenario. Each student performs the role of either the injured,
the coach and the physiotherapist.
Together as a group, determine who plays which role and administer
Group to select a spokesperson to present the role-play to the class.
Sports Injury Management
Assessing Injuries with TOTAPS!
Injury management involves identifying an injury, treating it and then returning
to the sport. It’s extremely important that sports players are adequately
rehabilitated before returning to sport. If they are not, the injury can become
much worse.
For serious injuries, like spinal injuries, get help first.
To assess all other injuries, remember TOTAPS!
Listening & note taking exercise
Discuss with the class the different elements to TOTAPS. Students are to
complete the boxes for each element based on teacher/class discussion.
These are listed below.
Ask the player what happened.
Where does it hurt?
What kind of pain is it?
Look at the affected area for redness or
Is the injured side different from the
other side?
Touch Touch will indicate warmth for
inflammation – touch also assesses
Active movement Ask the injured player to move the
injured part without any help.
Passive movement If the player can move the injured part,
carefully try to move it yourself through
its full range of motion.
Skill test Did the active and passive movement
produce pain? If no, can the player
stand and demonstrate some of the
skills from the game carefully? If an
injury is identified, remove the player
from the activity immediately.
Lesson 3: Teacher Notes - Sports Injury Management
Injury Treatment
Treating injuries with Ricer
RICER is used to manage soft tissue injury to reduce scarring and pain for
faster recovery. Using RICER immediately can help to stop bleeding and
What is RICER? Essential elements for a quick recovery from injury.
Research Activity
Students to research the explanation for RICER. Refer to the ‘Injury
Management and Prevention’ section of the www.elastoplastsport.com
website or the school library. Students to complete blank boxes with the
correct answers. Discuss answers as a class.
REST Rest reduces further damage.
Avoid as much movement as possible to limit
further injury.
Don't put any weight on the injured part of the
ICE Apply a hot/cold pack to the injury for 20 minutes
every 2 hours.
Continue this treatment for the first 48-72 hours
(ice cools the tissue and reduces pain, swelling
and bleeding).
Place cold pack wrapped in a towel onto the
injured area. Do not apply frozen cold pack directly
to the skin.
Extra care must be taken with people sensitive to
cold (children) or with circulatory problems.
COMPRESSION Apply Elastoplast Sport Elastic Adhesive bandage
or a non-elastic compression bandage, covering
the injured area as well as the areas above and
Compression reduces bleeding and swelling.
Check bandage is not too tight.
Elevate the injured area to stop bleeding and
Place the injured area on a pillow for support.
Refer the injured person to a qualified professional
such as a doctor for definitive diagnosis and
continuing management.
Lesson 3: Teacher Notes - Sports Injury Management
Treating injuries with HARM
Avoid the HARM-ful factors for 72 hours after the injury
Listening & Note Taking Exercise
Discuss with the class the different elements to HARM. Students are to
complete the boxes for each element based on teacher/class discussion.
These are listed below.
Heat increases the bleeding at the injured site.
Avoid hot baths and showers, saunas, hot water
bottles, heat packs and liniments.
Alcohol increases bleeding and swelling at the
injury site, and delays healing. It can also mask the
pain of the injury and its possible severity, which
may result in the player not seeking treatment as
early as they should.
Running or any form of exercise will cause further
damage. A player should not resume exercise
within 72 hours of an injury unless a medical
professional says it is alright to exercise.
Massage causes an increase in bleeding and
swelling, and should be avoided within 72 hours of
the injury. If the injury is massaged within the first
72 hours, it may take longer to heal.
Role-play Activity
Form students into groups of three. Each group is to role-play a different
sports injury scenario. Each student performs the role of either the injured,
the coach and the physiotherapist.
Together as a group, determine who plays which role and administer
Group to select a spokesperson to present the role-play to the class.
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